Welcome to the course! Here's what to expect.
Hello and Welcome to the course!
Albert Einstein once said " In the middle of a crisis, lies and opportunity".
If you are watching this video or reading the this text that goes along with it, then chances are, you are experiencing one of the most painful yet privileged kinds of crisis a person can experience: Heart Break.
You experienced the gift of loving someone and being loved and now that relationship has ended and the pain and despair that comes with this ending, can at times, be unbearable
The good news is, there's hope.
Hello, I'm Maura Matarese, I'm a psychotherapist, and author of the book: Finding Hope in the Crisis, A Therapist's Perspective on Love, Loss, and Courage and the creator of this course: Finding Hope After Heartbreak: Learn The Secret How To Start Feeling Better Now!.
Welcome to the course. I am so happy you are here.
Whether your heartbreak resulted from a breakup or unexpected ending, a betrayal, or you find yourself unwinding from a a toxic relationship, this course will offer you some simple can do skills, both cognitive behavior and somatic techniques / mind body practices that will help you:
- Learn how to access your inner resource of "Hope" which is your calm, curious, caring and courageous inner state that will anchor you through any crisis and help you rewire your stress response.
- Learn about your inner landscape which I call your "Inner Jam Band" and the many different "parts / members" of your band including your relational defenses core vulnerabilities
- Learn how to begin to start softening those defenses and heal some of those core vulnerabilities, which in time will help you fully grieve this loss and prepare you to enter into your next relationship with an open heart.
Albert Einstein also said, "you can't solve a problem with the same consciousness that created it". This course will teach you how to shift your consciousness so you can start to become the person you were meant to be, which will in turn and in time, attract the person you were meant to be with.
Before you jump on board and sign up for this course, take a moment to go through this check list, just to make sure this course is the right fit for you..
Take this course if:
- You are committed to healing your whole self: Mind /Body & Spirit.
- You are open and curious about learning and discovering things about you, that perhaps you never knew.
- You are up for the challenge of learning how to love your-self, even when you don't like yourself and or are having a bad day.
- You like creative self- help exercises and are willing to make time for self care and "play".
- You want to become the best and most authentic version of yourself day in and day out.
Are you in?
I hope so.
And if you are, let's get after it!