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Finding Hope After Heartbreak: learn the secret how to get over your ex and start feeling better now!
Week One: The Secret "How" To Start Feeling Better Now.
Welcome to the course! Here's what to expect. (3:07)
Things you will need for this course
Your personal "Finding Hope" accountability contract
Expert Lecture #1: Why can't I get over my ex?- The answer may surprise you! (11:10)
Strategy #1: Practice Getting Into The "Hope- Zone" Each And Every Day!
Quick Fix Meditation #1: Hands to Heart Meditation (1:15)
Quick Fix Mind / Body Practice #1:: When Your Life Feels Upside-down, Go Upside- down (8:00)
7 Steps to "Shapeshifting" your heartbreak when you are "in the SH*T".
Creative Self - Help Exercise: #1:
Homework Assignment #1
Week One Quiz
Week one check in and prep for week two (1:32)
Therapy resources
Week Two: The Heartbreak Roller Coaster and the "Hope - Zone".
Welcome to week two! Here's what to expect. (1:35)
Expert Lecture #2: Why "Hope" is your best strategy. (7:57)
Strategy #2: Tracking and Mapping
Chapter on "Hope" from: Finding Hope in the Crisis: A Therapist's Perspective on Love, Loss, and Courage.
Quick Fix Mind /Body Practice #2: The butterfly hug (1:40)
Quick Fix Meditation #2: How to Self Sooth When You are Hijacked by Anger (3:21)
Bonus Strategy: Take a Yawn and a Sigh
Creative Self-Help Exercise: #2
Homework Assignments Week 2
Week Two Quiz
End of week two check in and prep for week three (1:28)
Science Resources
Week Three: Getting To Know Your Inner Jam Band.
Welcome to week three! Here's what to expect. (1:29)
Expert lecture #3: A Broken Heart Introduces You To Your Inner Jam Band (9:15)
Strategy # 3: Identify the Members of your Inner Jam Band
Where did your inner jam band come from?
Quick Fix Mind Body Practice #3: When you feel conflicted (1:35)
Quick Fix Meditation #3: When You Can't Sleep (2:56)
Creative Self-Help Exercise #3
Personal Homework Assignment #3
Week Three Quiz
End of week check in and prep for week four (1:10)
Week Four: Getting To Know Your Inner Story
Welcome to week four. Here's what to expect. (2:11)
Expert Lecture #4: Why There Are No Bad Members Of Your Inner Jam Band (4:41)
Strategy #4 Advanced Tracking and Mapping Your Inner Jam Band in Your Scene
When you get stuck in the same scene with different people
Find Your Forrest Gump Moment
Quick Fix Mediation #4: How to self sooth when you get overwhelmed with grief (3:18)
Quick Fix Mind Body Practice #4: Seated Eagle To Soothe Grief And Stress (1:40)
Creative Assignment #4
Personal Home Work Assignment #4
Week Four Quiz
End of Week Four Check-In and Prep for Week Five (1:31)
Week Five: Beginning To Rewrite Your Story
Welcome to week five. Here's what to expect. (2:06)
Expert Lecture #5: Rewriting That Scene And Finding Hope After Heartbreak (4:17)
Strategy #5: Speaking for your the members of your "Inner Jam Band" and not from them.
"The Redo".
If you really hate brining your hands to your heart, try this instead.
Quick Fix Guided Meditation #5: Loving Your Core Vulnerable Parts (3:37)
Quick Fix Mind / Body Practice #5: Opening Your Heart To Yourself (2:05)
Creative Self- Help Exercise #5
Homework Assignment #5
Week Five Quiz
Congratulations!!! You Finished. Final Thoughts &Next Steps (1:13)
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Strategy #1: Practice Getting Into The "Hope- Zone" Each And Every Day!
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